Meet Hawaii Based Model Lili Koi 🌴

Lili Koi is not like any other Instagram model - while traveling between her home Hawaii, LA and Austin, Texas, the girl captures her nature bounded life on Instagram to share it with over 140k followers. Who takes her stunning images? You'll find out in our exclusive interview below!

What’s your favourite part about standing in front of a camera?

I couldn’t do my own hair and makeup if my life depended on it, so it’s always fun to get dolled up for the camera.

When did you start your journey as a model?

I actually had no intention of modeling. I earned my bachelors in Environmental Science, but then my mom convinced me to start modeling and to start an Instagram. I said, “Why do I need an Instagram?! I already have a Facebook!” I didn’t realise until later just how helpful Instagram can be for a modeling career. And now I can’t imagine doing anything else. Thanks, mom!

Your style is very natural and bohemian - how does nature inspire you?

Nature is so important to me; it’s where I feel happiest. I grew up in nature and was taught from an early age how healing and instrumental it can be for one’s physical and mental well-being. I certainly wouldn’t be the person I am today without it.

We loved your hair when it was long and blonde, but now we discovered your new look on Instagram with pastel pink hair! What’s more you? Blonde or glossy pink?

I hate to disappoint, but that was just a wig! I could never cut my blonde hair, but I do get bored of it sometimes, so I like to mix things up by using hair chalk or wigs. The blonde is definitely more me, but it’s fun to play dress up!

What’s the craziest thing you’ve done so far?

Oh gosh, I’m not sure. Those who know me know that I am NOT a risk taker in the slightest haha. Getting stuck in a giant street brawl in the heart of Marrakesh was pretty crazy I suppose!

What do you love most about living on Hawaii?

I love the way people treat each other. It doesn’t matter if you’re a millionaire or a beach bum—everyone treats you with respect. Material possessions and social classes aren’t as important.

Who are your favourite photographers to work with?

This may sound biased, but my favourite photographers consist of a few close friends and family members that I shoot with on a regular basis. When you shoot with someone that loves you, they are able to capture something uniquely beautiful, because they see you in a special light.

How would you describe the meaning of true love?

True love transcends you. It is the root of happiness, an enigmatic spiritual connection. It takes time to develop and teaches you the importance of selflessness, acceptance, and unwavering support.

Model: Lili Koi @_lilikoi