A Spatial Recap of Those New Year's Moments


an enclosed room:

la lune of glittering darkness
blue candy vapor
disconnected appreciation for others familiarity
books touched once (maybe twice) — a wistful reminder of faded excitement and middle-class display

an open door:

01:37 am - a pseudo world of waking dreams mixed with reality - 5:33 am

the beyond:

hushed delicate murmurs visiting crisp morning
driving into enveloping fog
those other three words: “are you okay?”
shy confessions from people you won’t ever see again
sweet warm soup of family tradition
aching thoughts of him

…A Timid Optimism

Photographer: Ashley Seryn @ashleyseryn
Model: Amanda Steele @amandasteele
Wearing the Misa midi dress by ARE YOU AM I @areyouami