Was She a "Cool" Girl?

Yes, I suppose she was. She had the perfect style and a confidence in the way she walked that made people stop and look. But she was so much more than that. She had such a beautiful mind, full of new ideas and wild daydreams.

Her heart was made of gold. For every new pair of pumps, she acquired a donation was made to the top charity in town. Her ears were always open to her friends chatter, her hands always ready to help in any way they could. Words of encouragement and love fell off her lips like honey falls from the spoon.

She spent her nights curled up in bed, reading books about poetry, history, and heartbreaking romances. She was astonishingly positive about life, always seeing the bright side of the day and never letting the little things get her down.

She was so much more than simply "cool". She was magic in her own right and a role model to all those who's life she touched.

Photography: Zi Nguyen @zinguyenn

Model: Livy Poulin @livypoulin